
Currently, there is a rapid growth of the Internet of things. In this regard, the problem of overloading existing data networks with the traffic of IoT devices becomes topical. To study this problem it was decided to use a simulation model. This work tries to solve the problem of obtaining data on the characteristics of the traffic generated by the devices of the Internet of things, necessary to create an adequate model. This article is a logical continuation of the study of the properties of such traffic. This paper describes the work of ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip, which is used in many implementation of Internet of things. In this work examines the traffic of the group of wireless devices communicating while interacting with the cloud server. Traffic characteristics during operation of devices running different firmware are compared. In the comparison are shown the intensity of traffic, number and size of packets over a period of time, the ratio of the packet size, the density of the probability distribution of time between arrival of packets.

Author Biography

Егор Павлович Ромасевич, Volgograd State University

postgraduate student of the Department of Telecommunication systems


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How to Cite
РОМАСЕВИЧ, Егор Павлович. RESEARCH OF THE AGGREGATION TRAFFIC OF THE WIRELESS IOT DEVICES. Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 3, p. 122-128, oct. 2017. ISSN 2411-1473. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
The Internet of Things (IoT): standards, communication and IT

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