
The article shows the technology of obtaining initial data on the state and functioning of the city transport system. The technology makes it possible to obtain data on the intensity of any movement: intensity of traffic, pedestrians and passengers. The main idea is to form and monitor the implementation of the monitoring program, during which it is possible to elaborate in detail the entire procedure for collecting information, including the dislocation of places for collecting the intensity of traffic, passengers and pedestrians, including the time of their collection. At the stage of direct data collection software provides clear unambiguous instructions for each accountant involved in the survey, about what actions at the given time it needs to take. The large volume of preparatory and organizational activities given out by the hardware and software allows using the technology to significantly simplify the issues of monitoring the technology of information collected, as well as the culling of incorrectly collected information, by monitoring the location of the accountant, controlling the start and end of data collection.
In particular, the technology has proven itself to calculate the intensity of traffic flows when collecting such information from urban intersections. The presented technology allows carrying out large-scale surveys of transport, passenger and pedestrian flows in cities with high efficiency at the stage of construction of forecast and optimization transport models of cities. The software interface of the mobile and server part of the presented technology allows achieving automatic interface of the collected data with the necessary format for their further use as calibration information of forecast transport models implemented in modern software products such as PTV Vision VISUM.

Author Biography

Михаил Ростиславович Якимов, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University; Russian Transport Academy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Organization and Traffic Safety; Director of the Institute of Transport Planning of non-governmental organization “Russian Transport Academy” 


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How to Cite
ЯКИМОВ, Михаил Ростиславович. INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES FOR TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN DATA COLLECTION. Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 4, p. 881-887, dec. 2018. ISSN 2411-1473. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
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