Fintech, Regtech and Regulatory Sandboxes: Concept, Digital Ontology, Perspectives


The article covers the bleeding edge of the latest approaches in the regulation and self-regulation of the economy, the financial sector, the IT sphere, and the sphere of technological innovation. The authors present original detailed explanations of the meaning and ontology of the concepts of RegTech, FinTech, ConTech, PropTech, Real Estate FinTech, Shared Economy, as well as explanations of how these concepts correlate with each other. The article shows the causes and prerequisites for the emergence of these technologies. One of the most actively introduced kinds of regulatory technologies, as shown in the article, are regulatory sandboxes.
The work is based on the use of research methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, classification and modeling, observation. Using these methods, the authors described in detail the distinction characteristics and predictively described the features of the regulatory sandbox method, its purpose and the possibility of its application.
The authors describe and explain in detail the concept, purpose and ontology of the regulatory sandbox.
The article presents (with author's comments) a detailed review of the definitions and interpretations of the concept of the regulatory sandbox presented in the scientific literature. The article presents the author's definitions of key concepts (including the concept of a regulatory sandbox), shows the degree of consolidation of these concepts in Russian official documents. The authors show the origins of the concept of the regulatory sandbox in the IT field and in engineering and explain the likely logic of the origin of such a name of the method under study.
The article shows the differences between the Reallabe concept and the regulatory sandbox concept.
The authors briefly cover the foreign experience in creating regulatory sandboxes.
The article ends with author’s thoughts regarding the prospects and risks of the future use of regulatory sandboxes.

Author Biographies

Igor Vladislavovich Ponkin, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Professor of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor

Vasily Pavlovich Kupriyanovsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Deputy Director of the National Center of Competencies in the Field of Digital Economy

Dmitry Igorevich Ponkin, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Postgraduate student of Department of Applied Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Automation and Computer Engineering


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How to Cite
PONKIN, Igor Vladislavovich; KUPRIYANOVSKY, Vasily Pavlovich; PONKIN, Dmitry Igorevich. Fintech, Regtech and Regulatory Sandboxes: Concept, Digital Ontology, Perspectives. Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 224-234, may 2020. ISSN 2411-1473. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
Cognitive information technologies in the digital economics