Formation of Learning Motivation in Physics Lessons Using Innovative Technologies


Education around the world is constantly developing and improving, teaching standards are changing, the content of education is changing, and the requirements for a modern teacher are increasing. The Federal State Educational Standard puts at the forefront new approaches and requirements for the educational system as a whole and for each individual subject in particular. The introduction of extracurricular activities, design technologies, an innovative approach poses new challenges for the entire education system and for the modern teacher, the school and the education system itself is becoming more and more innovative in development. The development of hardware and software, the increasing introduction of network communications into the educational process leads to the introduction of innovative technologies. The implementation of which is now the most optimal on the basis of actively developing and widespread information technologies. The teacher receives an excellent tool and teaching tool, which, in skillful hands, allows you to change the approaches to the transfer of the studied material, test instruments and change the emotional and psychological climate in the lesson.
The article examines various innovative technologies and the possibilities of their adaptation to the use of modern teaching aids, highlights the main options for the digital configuration of the information educational environment for organizing the use of innovative technologies in physics lessons, offers methodological recommendations for conducting physics lessons and using innovative technologies to increase the motivation of learning. The greatest attention is paid to the technologies that were revealed in the results of the questionnaire survey of physics teachers and the use of which helps to increase the motivation of students to study physics, such as game technologies; portfolio technology; method of projects.
Examples of innovative developments for physics lessons have been developed, aimed at increasing the motivation of teaching physics by means of innovative technologies and using information technologies.

Author Biographies

Rimma Ivanovna Gorokhova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor

Petr Vladimirovich Nikitin, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
GOROKHOVA, Rimma Ivanovna; NIKITIN, Petr Vladimirovich. Formation of Learning Motivation in Physics Lessons Using Innovative Technologies. Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 3, p. 721-729, nov. 2020. ISSN 2411-1473. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
IT education: methodology, methodological support

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